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BREAKING NEWS!! Mmouse Enterprises Board of Directors take emergency action!

Mmouse Enterprises News Center

Knoxville, Tennessee

July 10, 2020

Reporting: Lawrence C. Mason

This just in from HQ1 in Memphis: Co-Vice Chairman Mickey Mouse was served a notice of an indefinite suspension from his duties as Commissioner of Asylum as well as Co-Vice Chair of Mmouse Enterprises, per an order approved by the Board of Directors and signed by Chairman Murrey.

The Chairman had sought the suspension following the recent surprise Board Meeting and the revelation of potential dementia as revealed by Mickey’s younger brother Benny. Murrey had argued to the Board that Mickey’s disturbing behavior in front of not only the Board but in front of the entire world was a warning sign that his mental health may have reached a brand new low and could threaten to well being of the company. Murrey then revealed – in order to sway Mickey’s more loyal Board supporters – that Mickey’s proposal did – in fact – have a secret provision in it. However, it wasn’t from Mickey, but from Catherine instead. Catherine had inserted a provision in the earlier draft of the bill – the draft which failed to pass a couple of days prior – because she expected that draft to fail and suspected that her father would try to pass it so as to claim an accomplishment of his own.

Murrey cited Mickey’s laziness in drafting a proposal (which was basically copy-pasted from Catherine’s own work) as evidence that he was not in full control of his mental faculties. According to Murrey, Catherine suspected that Mickey was “losing it” which is why she inserted a provision which would empower the Board to take action if any Executive or Regular Board Member exhibited psychological symptoms which could impair their judgment and performance. This provision requires that the Board put a hold on Mickey’s shares – placing it temporarily in the hands of a reliable proxy – and likewise temporarily replace him in his position until he meets the terms of whatever action they take. The Board, though not united, overwhelmingly voted to suspend Co-Vice Chairman Mickey, effective immediately.

The terms of the suspension are as follows:

1. Mickey is ordered to seek professional help for his suspected condition if he wishes to lift the suspension and retain his shares and power within the company,

2. Mickey is ordered to provide – in writing – proof within 30 days that he has secured the help of a professional in the field of concern, written proof within 60 days that he is actively receiving help, and written proof within 90 days that he is fully capable of carrying out his duties as Co-Vice Chair of Mmouse Enterprises and Commissioner of Asylum,

3. Mickey is ordered to avoid contact with any member of the Board throughout the duration of this suspension; considering his proven ability to persuade those most loyal to him,

4. Mickey is ordered to avoid contact with any member of the Executive Brand of Mmouse Enterprises throughout the duration of his suspension; to prevent harassment of the same,

5. Mickey is ordered to avoid stepping foot on Mmouse Enterpises property throughout the duration of his suspension; including property being rented by the same for the purpose of hosting schedules PWI events

We reached out for additional comments from the Board and were only told that Chairman Murrey will have more to say on the matter at the upcoming Press Conference this Monday and that Co-Vice Chair Catherine Mouse will get back to us soon. There was no response whatsoever from Co-Vice Chair by Proxy Harry Puddphucker, nor from Mickey’s close confidante and handler, Mr. Executioner.

Stay tuned for more updates as they come!

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