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  • Writer's pictureBenny Wade Mouse

Benny Mouse addresses members of the press; calls Mickey "unhinged"

Benny Mouse: Thank you again for assembling on such short notice. I wish to keep this somewhat brief as quite frankly, my primary focus has and always will be the EWA. Yes, it's true that I am a significant stock shareholder of my competition, but ultimately, we must rely on those in charge of the PWI brand to address concerns shared by over one million fans.

That being said, I would like to address a point that my brother Mickey made during his rambling 4 a.m. press conference:

Mickey has insinuated that my concerns over my niece and my support for her business endeavors are layered in a mask of manipulation. Mickey said that I am looking to take advantage of Miss Catherine and that is simply and categorically untrue.

Mickey, in his own attempts to manipulate his daughter, has attempted to turn this controversy around and paint himself as the victim. Regardless of how the grotesque idea of intergender wrestling came to fruition, it was Mickey who attempted to push back on the issue.

In his unhinged press conference in the wee hours of the morning, Mickey made several remarks that were almost as grotesque as the aforementioned programming idea. He slammed a reporter as a "commie," and he failed to stand up to the press and their questioning, abruptly ending the conference.

Mickey also invoked a 15-year-old contract dispute involving HBP, in which, at the time, he blamed the ratings drop on "Ethiopians." Yes, it is true that Mickey won the first round in court, but the issue was set to be taken up by an appellate court before I decided that if Mickey wanted HBP, he could have him. I maintain to this date that Mickey's negotiations were illegal and in direct violation of HBP's contract with BWM Inc., but again, HBP was never worth the price it would cost in order to take that battle through the courts any further.

Lastly, before taking questions, I would like to provide an update. Since my initial call for Mickey (and agreeing board members) to resign, over 1 million fans have signed my petition in support of his ouster. Whereas this issue is still very near and dear to my heart, I must continue my focus on bringing the best product the professional wrestling world has ever seen. I again call on the Board of Directors to do the right thing and to find a suitable punishment for Mickey's actions.

CBS: Do you really expect Mickey to resign or is this a typical Mouse brother ploy?

Benny Mouse: I resent your notion, quite frankly. I have been completely forthcoming since the dawn of this era. I have not engaged in any so-called "ploys" and my efforts have been sincere. I do not expect that Mickey will do the right thing on his own, but I do hope that the Board of Directors takes action to rectify this controversy.

FOX Sports: Are you considering selling the shares you do have in the event that Mickey doesn't resign?

Benny Mouse: At this time, no. That is not an option, simply because the stock prices have been so volatile since the beginning of this controversy. I expect a further drop in PWI stocks when the markets react to Mickey's 4 AM antics. I will, however, continue to donate my money (and time) to irradicating male on female violence, and will continue to donate to charity until my brother resigns.

ABC: What do you make of Mickey's assertion that Catherine Mouse originally objected to dropping the match?

Benny Mouse: I have a hard time believing anything that Mickey says, and it would not surprise me to learn that there's a nugget of truth here buried within his lies. I will await Catherine's remarks on this accusation before making a judgment. Regardless of how and when, she did eventually come around to the notion that the match could not happen. Ultimately, isn't that what matters? I will take one more question before I must go.

Wall Street Journal: Do you think that, in advocating Mickey's resignation, that you may have actually given the PWI a competitive edge? By highlighting this controversy, have you not created additional interest in the conflict at PWI headquarters?

Benny Mouse: Honestly, ratings are the least of my concerns when it comes to this issue. I do not know how else to prove that my words are sincere, as I've put my money where my mouth is and have donated to charities that aim to end this type of violence. I know that because of my brother's reputation as a liar that my family is inherently untrustworthy, but I assure you, this is NOT a stunt. I'll end this press conference by again echoing my calls for the Board of Directors to do the right thing for shareholders, fans, and their employees.

Thank you, and I'll be back to address the press in the coming days. Stay tuned!

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