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  • Writer's pictureBenny Wade Mouse

Benny holds impromptu press conference in response to Catherine Mouse's reversal; applauds efforts

**Benny Mouse steps out on the stairs of BWM Inc. HQ in Stamford and is greeted by a swarm of journalists, only 45 minutes after the conclusion of Catherine Mouse's press briefing.**

Benny Mouse: Thank you all for gathering so quickly, I appreciate you being here. In the midst of my work this afternoon, I was informed by both my press secretary and by EWA Director of Commentary and Communications Renee Young of my niece's remarks. And while I hadn't planned another update until later this week, I wanted to immediately drop what I was doing to congratulate Catherine on coming to her senses in reference to showcasing acts of man on woman violence on PWI television.

Since the EWA's original launch, BWM Inc. has been committed to a product that not only includes women but does so in a way that puts their talents front and center. I have been called a pioneer of women's wrestling, as the EWA's efforts kickstarted a worldwide women's wrestling revolution.

When my niece announced the original concept for the PWI's Immunity crown, I felt an immediate and visceral reaction. It is no secret that following From Dusk Til Dawn 3, the EWA primarily focuses the first few months of planning in a way that revolved almost entirely around our Knockout's Division. We were criticized for it, even, only to have our competition sign every available talent they could get their hands on after I went on a hiring spree. I had taken my concerns of PWI's announcement to my advisers, and I momentarily kept my mouth shut.

I didn't speak out against intergender wrestling through this platform until my first sitdown interview with Renee Young. I held off on touching that subject because I was advised that it was "their ratings funeral." Still, my gut said that if I did not speak out, I would be on the wrong side of history.

Though my advisers were momentarily upset that I couldn't keep my mouth shut and let themselves shoot their own feet, I was subsequently applauded for my stance by my staff and by millions of wrestling fans in the form of letters, emails, Facebook postings, and Twitter. It seemed that the audience - from both the EWA and the PWI - found my remarks calling the concept to be "gross miscalculation," "gross and indefensible," and "a huge step backward" to be right on the money.

Moments ago, buckling to growing criticisms, my niece did the proper and respectable thing and withdrew her support for intergender wrestling on worldwide television. I know that in this business - hell, in this FAMILY - it is difficult to admit when we make mistakes, but in doing so Miss Mouse has proven to be much more dignified in this act than her father has in his entire career. What she did today was a powerful step in the right direction in overturning what I will politely describe as a rookie business miscalculation. Now, at this time, I will answer a few questions.

ABC News: Even with Catherine's announcement, there is still the possibility that Mickey will rally the board due to his resistance to all things Catherine. How do you see this unfolding?

Benny Mouse: Having known Mickey the entirety of my existence, I can see this scenario going one of two ways. The question shouldn't be about the board doing the right thing, as that is literally their job. As a significant stockholder, I expect them to override Mickey. The question my scenarios examine is WHY Mickey won't allow Catherine's motion to pass.

The first scenario is pretty simple. Mickey sure hates when other people have better ideas than he does. It is absolutely possible that Mickey is blocking this move simply because he can. It's a power flex, perhaps. Or, it's possible, and unfortunately just as likely, that being the lowly, selfish man he is, he'd vote against Catherine because he literally sees nothing wrong with male on female violence. I genuinely hope that is not the case, as that would be unpardonable.

Either way, I do applaud Catherine Mouse for this business decision. As I noted, it's a huge step in remedying this controversy.

Rolling Stones: Some would call Catherine's remarks about your decision to run the premiere of Revolution in Nashville a "thinly veiled threat." She even gave Connecticut, your home turf, a shoutout by name.

Benny Mouse: What I dislike about some members of the media is at times, it feels like they are trying to create a controversy. Don't get me wrong, I am a wrestling promoter, so I'm familiar with the technique, but I find nothing wrong with Catherine's remarks about running a show in our home state. I was explicit in my interview with Ms. Young when I told her we're running the show there because there's the demand. I would imagine if Catherine brought the twenty or so women she drafted to Connecticut for an all women's show, she too cold sell out arenas. That being said, I won't be goaded by a reporter for the sake of making a headline.

Fox News: We also learned of Lenny Mouse's return and his expected role. Can we expect the same from the EWA?

Benny Mouse: Chris Hyatt is one of the most respectable and credible wrestling journalists in the world, and he just so happens to be an employee of the EWA. Of course, Hyatte's work will resume when it comes time. Also, I'd like to welcome Lenny back to the mix!

CBS Sports: Catherine did push back a bit on your criticisms on the brand split, even going as far as to explain in depth what you've called a recycled story.

Benny Mouse: And your question was? Of course she defended herself, it's up to the audience at home to see which presentation they enjoy more. I am not interested in a rivalry with Catherine. I'm just not. I've expressed my respect for her since the beginning, and I won't be answering any differently. Got it? I have time for one more question.

USA Today: Catherine said she could be ready by Thanksgiving. I know that you, Mickey, and Catherine have denied rumors of an early start, but do you take this as a hint coming from your niece?

Benny Mouse: Listen, as I've explained, we are prohibited from starting any sooner than Dec. 1. I thought we had shot these rumors down when we stated we had no intentions to kick things off sooner than Hell Hath No Fury, live from the Garden Dec. 28. However, I am interested to see how things play out down south. Although, just because Catherine's ready doesn't mean that her father is.

That's all the time I have for the moment, and again, thank you to everyone who echoed my sentiments and to Catherine Mouse for making her announcement withdrawing support for intergender wrestling on a show that will be seen by children. As some of you may know, I take my charity work fighting domestic violence very seriously, as it's a problem that affects far too many people. Today, Catherine took an admirable step in helping stop the depiction of intergender violence on what's ultimately a sporting show. Thanks again, but unfortunately I must get back to work!

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